Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Extrime disappointment

GoDaddy accounts do not allow to use ComponentOne services.

This is an extreme disappointment for developers. At the end of a few days exchange with them I came to conclusion that the only possibilities with them to use it is to get Dedicated Server.
Besides that the only dedicated server will work for me is fully dedicated server, which is away too expensive at this time.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Security Exception

A Day pretty much wasted because of this error...

I did uploaded new testing app for Gulf regional, but Component One did not work.

This works
This doesn't, as I write it.

I sent the questions to Go Daddy, who is a host of this server to change security settings for me and to Component One... So far no luck.

Will see what what is going to happen tomorrow.

The component One Reporting is great. Terrific. Easy and very powerful. Cool looking too. Fast rendering, cashed and so on.

Ingeniously designed. One thing left - make it work on a provider.

This how this page should look like.