Friday, February 20, 2009

My guess Department is not going to get this.

Looks like state is requested about $400.000 for some kind of web site. At least that it was sad in a media.

This idea is definitely has nothing to do with me. And I do not know what they are talking about. What i am almost certain it is not REALLY a web site.
I heard rumors that somebody requested a Data Warehouse with Web Interface. This is NOT something can be done by a high school student. It is one of the most highest pay job in country. And it is required in a man power. In a high paid man power. Very few people can do that. It is not smart to talk about it by people with no knowledge of the subject.

Department in fact desperately needs something like that, because data are difficult to obtain. Having no data people works like blind and the entire state education is suffering. But it seems to me in this economic climate we will not get anything.

As media starts to do buzz about it - the deal is over and politically dead.

Oh, well. May that means I will still to do some of it and I will have a job. Which is not that bad if you think about it.



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